Mc Energy® BV is specialized in the design and production of high end energy storage solutions.
By founding Mc Energy® BV the goal was clear: bringing the energy transition up to speed. By developing a revolutionary new solution for extremely safe battery energy storage Mc Energy® aims at the current industrial wide approach
to reduce carbon dioxide exhausts and thus playing an important role in climate change consequences.
Mc Energy® is based in Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, just outside the city range of the metropolitan area of Rotterdam. The location is strategically chosen having borderless access to the harbour of Rotterdam and the surrounding highways.
Mc Energy® focusses on the energy transition market and beyond. The next two decades will be extremely important to reach the internationally set climate goals and energy storage will be one of the succes defining factors in this transitional phase. After the transitional phase new goals will be set and Mc Energy® will again be part of the solution to reach those goals in the most effective and efficient way.
The high end in house developed and produced products and proudly labeled with “Made in The Netherlands” guarantee a faultless and reliable operation for many years to come. The battery energy storage solutions are available for indoor,
existing buildings or outdoor in a containerized application. Moreover, the systems are scalable far into the MWs. But, smaller solutions for compact installations are available too through one of our selected business partners.
Mission statement
Mc Energy®’s mission is designing and building high-end quality energy storage systems that contribute to an improved living environment without minimizing the availability of electricity. Mc Energy® supports the energy transition
without exhausting greenhouse gases or fine dust. The energy transition deserves safe and reliable energy storage systems.
Sustainable development goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that
improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
Mc Energy® supports four of the sustainable development goals:

Mc Energy® BV directly contributes to the access to affordable sustainable energy and lowers the energy import dependencies. The share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption can grow with the Mc Energy® BV systems. It is important to be aware of the dependencies that arise when only using green energy like wind, tidal and solar.
The current climate change developments lead already to extremes and with the Mc Energy® BV solutions these extremes will not lead to heavy swings in the energy supply but in fact more stabilized in the energy supply.

Mc Energy® BV aims for contribution to mainstreaming of renewable energy by using its innovative force. The use of generators should change from a go-to solution to the use of stored renewable energy blocks. By implementing the Mc Energy® BV products in the current energy grid the use of renewable generated energy throughout the society is increased. Mc Energy® BV acts as the missing link between energy generation and the growing need for this sustainable energy sources in general.
Key success factor in a process where electrical vehicles enable its users to use the stored energy not only for mobility but for household uses, too and households being disconnected from the natural gas, evolving energy generation by local PV installations require a stable and reliable solution for a controlled supply of energy to the market without any dependency to the weather conditions.

Mc Energy® BV implemented its circular product lifetime model from the beginning by offering its customers a return-fee when their systems are economically end-of-life. The refund is a percentage of the original price and allows the customers to use for
purchasing a new, state-of-the-art Mc Energy® BV system. Returned systems are refurbished or recycled depending on the state of the product.
The increasing fossil fuel subsidies are contributing to the climate crisis (from 318 billion to 427 billion) See:
Fossil fuels can be history when using the Mc Energy® BV storage solutions.

Climate action is two-folded within the provided solution. On the one hand, Mc Energy® BV gives the ability to change the status quo by offering a sustainable solution for the use of generators (climate mitigation). On the other hand, Mc Energy® BV offers a sustainable solution for dealing with extremes within the climate: climate adaptation.
Obviously, the replacement of generators by the Mc Energy® BV stored energy blocks omits the NOxs, the carbon dioxide and fine dust emissions but only if the energy storage systems are charged with renewable (and thus green) energy. The Mc Energy® BV solution allow climate adaptation because of its facility of buffering energy and supplying later without a dependancy of the climate’s extreme swings resulting in wind and solar peaks and drops.

Energy is in our DNA!